Table of Contents


Noaaport Broadcast System Processor and Software Collection for processing, distributing and archiving the contents of the Noaaport data stream.


Npemwin is an emwin server. It can be configured to connect to a list of EMWIN servers, to a Noaaport Nbsp server or to a directly attached (emwin) serial device, and redistribute the data stream via the Byte Blaster protocol.


System for collecting and analyzing the statistics of a Noaaport installation, for monitoring the signal level and quality.


Simple program for monitoring the Novra family of receivers.


C programs and library for converting Noaaport radar (nids) and sat (gini) files to shapefiles. The library and programs are used by Nbsp in the gisfilter.

A standalone version of the library and programs is maintained in Bitbucket and a tutorial is online.


Ready-to-use package of the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model program and utilities, and a Tcl and shell scripting interface to drive regional model runs.

Code, tutorials and binary packages ara available in Bitbucket.


The iEmwin Pool Project is a collaboration to maintain and monitor a virtual cluster (pool) of Emwin Byte Blaster servers, which are identified in a systematic fashion by a FQDN rather than an IP, with a corresponding administrative contact email as well as local information that may be be relevant for the overall administration of the system.


Nbsp-based system for distributing the contents of the Noaaport data stream via the internet in near real-time.