==== Slave Setup ==== Starting with nbsp-2.0, a slave can read from several masters simultaneously. The intention is that a slave can be configured to receive different sets of products from different //providers//. To setup a network slave, the following settings must appear in the file * site/nbspd.conf set feedmode 2 Then the //masterservers// must be set to specify the protocol, server and port of the master(s), and optionally the five options slave_read_timeout_secs slave_read_timeout_retry slave_reopen_timeout_secs slave_so_rcvbuf slave_stats_logperiod_secs The //masterservers// is a string of the form ,[,[,]]:... where the separating character can be any combination of the characters : \t\n for example set masterservers { 2,nbsp.uprrp.edu 1,nbsp.noaaport.net,2210 2,joshua.wxpro.net,2210,10,,,,300 2,joshua.wxpro.net,2212,10,x,x,x,300 } If the %%%% are omited, or if some of the fields are empty (as in the third entry) or set to a non-numeric value (as in the fourth), then the defaults (set in //nbspd.conf//) are used for those fields. In protocol 1 the entire file content is transmitted, while in 2 only the location (full path) of the file is transmitted but this requires the following two additional steps: 1. The master (nbsp.noaaport.net) must export by NSF the spool directory * /var/noaaport/nbsp/spool 2. The slave must mount that directory and make it accessible. If it is mounted also as * var/noaaport/nbsp/spool then nothing further is needed. Otherwise, in * nbspd.conf the variable set spooldir "/var/noaaport/nbsp/spool" must be changed to reflect the actual mount point. See also [[projects:nbsp:howtos:master-setup.readme|master-setup]].