==== Npemwin ====
Npemwin is an emwin server. It can be configured to connect to a list of
EMWIN servers, to a Noaaport Nbsp server or to a directly attached (emwin)
serial device, and redistribute the data stream via the Byte Blaster protocol.
An Npemwin server can be registered as a bb server and join
the [[http://www.iemwin.net|iEmwin Pool Project]].
In any case, it will save all the
files in a directory based on file type and WFO ID. Extensive
facilities allow to call a script for each complete file received
for post-processing (alarms/notifications, database insertion, etc).
It can in turn serve any number of byte blaster clients (including of course
other instances of npemwin itself).
== What to do next ==
Npemwin can be customized in many ways. The best route to take
is to install a package (bsd, deb, rpm) and start the program.
It will work without any further configuration, as long as the
package installs cleanly (no missing libraries, etc).
In that default configuration, it will connect to the master emwin servers.
The built-in web server can be accessed through
where %%%% stands for the name or ip of the computer
running Npemwin.
The raw data will be saved in the directory ///var/npemwin/files//, and the
DA/GR compatible formatted files in the directory
If this directory is exported (e.g., Samba or NFS), the data files
can be used with several programs, including Digital Atmosphere,
GrLevel and IDV.
From another computer, the above directory is accessible through
Similarly, the GR application can access the //warnings// through the URL
After getting a feeling of what the program does, customizations
can be tried and the way to start is by reading the few README files
in the configuration directory (//etc/npemwin/dist//) and the notes below.