=== Requirements ===
Joining the pool is easy, but the server and the installation
site must meet some requirements:
* The server should be sufficiently exposed that Emwin clients are allowed to connect through the officially assigned emwin port 2211.
* Similarly for port 8016 used by the built-in Npemwin web server.
* The server owner or administrator should stay current with the Npemwin software.
=== What to send ===
In short, what we need is the //FQDN// of the server, the name and contact
email address of the server owner, and the physical location of the server.
The //FQDN// is the full domain name of the server, for example
//weather.uprrp.edu//. Those that have a dynamically assigned IP, which can
change from time to time, should subscribe to one of the free services
such as dyndns or zonedit, to arrange that their //FQDN// always resolve to
the current IP. The physical location, which should be the given as the state
abbreviation and zipcode (e.g. tx75080), is generally useful for tracking
outages that affect a general area and similar issues.
=== Where to send ===
Send an email to
In the first three lines of the body of the message write the server's
//FQDN//, owner's name and contact email address, and the state/zip
combination each on a separate line. If you desire to add a message,
leave a blank line and write the message starting on the next line.
There is no need to write anything specific in the //Subject// line.
Thus, for example, a message should look like:
To: pool-join@iemwin.net
Subject: join
Jose F Nieves
Hi, I wish to join the iEmwin Pool Project.
=== What you get ===
The main relevant piece of information that you will receive is the name of
your server in the iEmwin pool, or simply your server's **pool name**.
It will be of the form
where //n// is an integer, thus for example
Associated with this name, an email address (your server's **pool email**)
of the form
8.pool @ iemwin.net
will also have been created, as an alias to the email address that you
submitted in the message. The next step is to edit the **bbserver.conf**
file to define some required parameters, using in particular your
server's //pool name// and //pool email// just assigned.
=== Configuring the bbserver.conf file ===
Those two pieces of information, the //pool name// and //pool email//
should be used to set the value of the variables
Thus assuming, for example, that the //pool name// that you received was
then automatically there is a corresponding //pool email// assigned
8.pool @ iemwin.net
and the relevant settings in **bbserver.conf** would be
set bbserver(addrandport) "A8.pool.iemwin.net:2211";
set bbserver(serveradmin) "EM-8.pool@iemwin.net";
The other settings in that file can be left at their default values or
modified if desired. Finally, this variable must be set
set bbserver(configured) 1;
and your server is ready to start.
A completed configuration file would look as follows:
# Sample bbserver.conf file
set bbserver(addrandport) "A2.pool.iemwin.net:2211";
set bbserver(maxclients) "M64";
set bbserver(privacy) "SPU"; # or SPR for private
set bbserver(rate) "DW"; # or "DE9600" or "DE19200"
set bbserver(version) "V2.0";
set bbserver(protocol) "P12";
set bbserver(location) "LC-npemwin";
set bbserver(serveradmin) "EM-2.pool@iemwin.net";
set bbserver(configured) 1;
It is even easier if you take the attached
template configuration file and change the value of the variable
set bbserver(poolid) 2
that appears there to the value that was assigned to your server.